Revision release ETIM BMEcat guideline

On May 1st 2019, we published a revision release (4.0.2) of the ETIM BMEcat guideline version 4.0. During the course of the first year since the initial release, we identified several small errors in the documentation and the XSD file, that we considered to be too much to ignore until the next major release.  On the other hand, the changes are too insignificant to justify a minor release (that would have been 4.1), no new elements have been added.

Besides correcting some textual-, reference- and consistency errors, a few missing unit-, country-, and currency codes are added. Also, some elements in the XSD have been modified to enable the ETIM BMEcat certification tool to perform a tighter validation with the XSD. For more information see the change log in the last chapter of the guideline document. Should you appreciate to receive a version of the document with all exact changes highlighted, this is available on demand, please request at

Finally, with this revision release also the section with country specific regulations and PRODUCT_CHARACTERISTICS has been updated. As intended, changes in these country specific rules and elements are not limited to major releases to offer more flexibility. Besides a minor addition for Poland, the Netherlands have added quite a few country specific PRODUCT_CHARACTERISTICS.

You can find a zip-file with the complete documentation package in our download section, for a direct link click here.